Policy, Evaluation, and Technical Assistance
Practice Lead
- Thought leadership on evidence-based practices
- Business/environmental strategy
- Public health-oriented change management and policy adoption strategies
- Reports to Congress and databases for public use
- Legal and scientific research and strategy
- Public awareness and education products
- Technical assistance to states and communities

Example Policy Process
- Supporting states and communities in reducing excessive alcohol use.
- Collecting, analyzing, and sharing health data that guides evidence-based decision-making.
- Using legal research and analysis to support the development of policies to protect public health.
- Educating policymakers and communities using comprehensive, accurate, and reliable public health information.

Using Data to Identify Underage Alcohol Use Trends and Policy Interventions
High school females now drink and binge drink (consuming 4 or more drinks in a row) alcohol at higher rates than high school males, according to recent CDC data.
While alcohol use among high school students has generally decreased in the past two decades, use by females hasn’t dropped proportionately, which is a concerning trend.
The research shows that when it is easier for youth to get alcohol – e.g. because there are more alcohol outlets nearby or because those outlets often sell to minors – then underage alcohol consumption increases. Some states or localities have reduced rates of underage drinking in their communities by restricting the number of alcohol outlets in the area or by limiting the hours or days on which alcohol outlets can sell product. Other states or localities have seen rates of underage drinking decline by regularly conducting checks of alcohol retailers to make sure they are not selling to minors – known as “Compliance Checks”.

Providing Technical Assistance to Help States and Communities Reduce Harmful Alcohol Use
- With the support of CDC, ASC has created a technical assistance and training center to increase the capacity of states and communities to implement evidence-based, population-level strategies to prevent excessive alcohol use.
- The center provides specialized technical assistance to help stakeholders identify and address the density of alcohol outlets (such as bars and liquor stores) in their communities.

ASC Is Ready To Assist You In Your Public Policy Efforts.
Let Advancement Strategy Consulting assist your team with developing, analyzing, and transforming your public health policy activities.
Contact ASC today